Thursday, September 30, 2004

Mom enjoyed bacon, scrambled eggs, banana slices in orange juice, skim milk, red grapes, pineapple, strawberries, and honey dew melon, and an especially nice ground steak patty! Her IV amount has been halved. She is receiving fat through the IV, which she says is very ugly to look at. (Just a little diet visual for the rest of us!) Her meals are gluten-free until the blood test results are received. If she stays on that diet the hospital dietician will teach it to my folks.

Mom is walking without a walker, and doing some exercises. Gastro Man II told her she was not going home today, which was a relief to her. They do expect that when she is released she will go home, and not to a rehab center. Someone came in to explain various home help services that are available. Oh, the barium progress test from Tuesday didn't show anything.

The nurses have just been fantastic. My hero list is growing. So, as Dad reported, we have "high hopes". Neither of us could remember how that High Hopes song went, and I'll be haunted, no doubt.

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