Sunday, September 26, 2004

Celiac diet

Hi! Talked with Mom last night, and she sounded better, very clear-headed. She's a bit down contemplating the possibility of learning a new diet, but says she will do it if that is what is necessary. One of the neighbors had been in to see her, and to bring Dad some good coffee cake. Then Mike talked to her mostly about what he is cooking at his apartment. I know that was a big boost to her.

I talked to Dad this morning. He had a good talk with another couple in the neighborhood. I'm sure that was good for him. He is feeling pressed for time to make his hospital visits, pick up meals somewhere, take care of stuff at home, and make phone calls. He reports that Mom is still having diarrhea. She is also feeling chilly a lot. She is sitting up more in bed and in the chair, and is walking with the therapist. She is having broth and juices. She likes the young internist from her doctors group who has been visiting her the last few days. She thinks he is quite the comic telling her about how he just got married, and how his wife is buying all his clothes now. This internist is more sold on the idea that the problem is celiac disease than the gastroenterologist is. There are no further tests scheduled at this point.

The folks are pondering which rehab facility she should go into when she is eventually released. This is not an iminent concern, though.

Thanks to all of you for the celiac links and diet information, support and suggestion. I have printed out lots of info to mail to Dad.

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